Suchen Sie Einkaufsexpertise? Benötigt ihr Unternehmen zusätzliche Einsparungen in der Beschaffung? Wollen Sie die Materialfeldstrategie und das Lieferantenmanagement nachhaltig verbessern? Die Beschaffungskette stand in den letzten Jahren kontinuierlich vor neuen Herausforderungen und hat sich einen wichtigen Punkt auf der Management-Agenda gesichert. Supply Chain Resilience und Abhängigkeit von Lieferanten sind wesentlichen Themen geworden. Nachhaltigkeit (Sustainability) und Digitalisierung im Einkauf haben sich auf der Prioritätenliste nach oben geschoben. Eine wesentliche Frage ist, wie diese Themen zu adressieren sind. Suchen Sie nach Beratung und Unterstützung in diesen Themenfeldern?

Robert Gora Consulting

Gestaltung der Einkaufsstrategie, Fokussierung auf Innovationen

Ich kann Ihnen helfen, den Status quo Ihrer Einkaufsfunktion in enger Zusammenarbeit mit Ihrem Einkaufsteam zu bewerten, gemeinsam ein umfassendes Konzept und Agenda zu entwickeln, um den Einkauf auf das nächste Level zu heben. Natürlich bin ich auch gerne bereit Unterstützung für die Umsetzung zu leisten.

Mein Ansatz ist innovativ und praxisorientiert.

Indirektes Material – Realisierung von Kostenpotentialen

in der Beschaffung

Akquisitionen: Synergien nach Abschluss der Transaktion bei indirekten und Rohstoffen

Robert Gora Consulting PR Foto

Erfahrene, internationale Führungskraft mit Fokus auf Innovationen

Meine Stärken sind umfassende Erfahrung in all diesen Bereichen: Ich habe mehr als 25 Jahre globale Teams geleitet. Im Einkauf habe ich 20 Jahre Erfahrung als Führungskraft und globaler CPO von Geschäften oder Pooling-Kategorien für direktes und indirektes Material mit einem Einkaufsvolumen von deutlich über einer Milliarde Euro vorzuweisen. Ich kann einen Track Record zu Innovationen vorweisen, ebenso wie die Fähigkeit, ein internationales Netzwerk aufzubauen, zu leiten und zu gestalten. Erfahrung sammelte ich in der Manufacturing-Industrie, im Healthcare und im Halbleitergeschäft.

Als Mitglied des Kernteams und Leiter einer Pooling-Category habe ich die Zentralisierung des indirekten Materialeinkaufes eines Dax-Unternehmen erfolgreich mitgestaltet, signifikante Einkaufseinsparungen erzielt und gleichzeitig die Kosten der Organisation optimiert sowie Innovationen vorangetrieben.

Robert Gora ConsultingRobert Gora Consulting

Mein Engagement kann entweder als Interimsmanager, als Referent für Kongresse, Meetings oder als Senior-Berater für ihre Einkaufsaktivitäten erfolgen.

  • Christian Rummel
    Executive Coach, former CFO

    "Robert Gora is a fully fledged procurement / supply chain leader. He works himself deep into the industries and commodities and over his career gained immense expertise. What really distinguishes him is the ability to think about and anticipate market trends and therefore start early to adjust procurement strategies. He includes suppliers as strategic partners and therefore not only works on the pricing side but on many more aspects of total cost of ownership. His commitment and quality of deliverables is very high. He is a true team player and working in close collaboration with his stakeholders."

  • Thorsten Eicke
    former peer, VP Category Management Mobility Services | Siemens AG

    "Robert and I have been peers for 10 years. I always enjoyed his fact-based working attitude and advice. This made him a great partner. He is an empathic leader with a high level of integrity, standing firm to his opinion and supporting his team even in difficult times. What differentiates him from others is his business understanding, the strong commitment, focus on the real important things and driving implementation. Robert is highly experienced procurement leader, who walks his talk."

  • Tobias Schmidt
    CEO Europe | DHL Global Forwarding

    "Robert and I had always a trust- and successful collaboration over the last 15 years. He is a great and reliable business partner, even in difficult times, which makes the difference. He is straight forward, focussing on the subject and results. "

  • Manuel Purwin
    Global Head of Automobility | DB Schenker

    "I had the pleasure of working with Robert during his tenure as the global head of procurement for logistics services at Siemens AG. From the moment we started collaborating, it was clear that Robert was a top executive, greatly professional with ambitious targets, known for his high standards. I am delighted to say that our professional relationship blossomed into a fruitful partnership, built on trust, exceeding results, and mutual benefits. Robert's unwavering commitment to excellence and performance focus pushed me to deliver my best work consistently. It ultimately led to the development of a strong working dynamic that propelled us to achieve remarkable outcomes. What truly set Robert apart was his ability to foster trust and build lasting relationships. I found him to be fair, transparent, and always willing to listen to different perspectives. He recognized the value of collaboration and actively sought input from all stakeholders, ensuring that our partnership was built on a foundation of open communication and shared goals."

  • Dr. Udo Lange
    Chief Executive Officer | Stolt-Nielsen

    "As corporate sponsor for the Siemens business at Fedex, I got to know and appreciate Robert Gora as a global logistics expert and a fair and trustworthy business partner. His strategic approach, analytical thinking, entrepreneurial spirit and empowering team leadership was foundational for our strategic collaboration resulting in a true win/win business relationship. Robert’s curiosity for new logistics trends combined with an out of the box thinking goes far beyond a traditional procurement approach. The outcome is holistic and focused on total cost of ownership rather than a pure play price negotiation. I enjoyed his willingness to leave traditional paths behind and being open minded for innovations. Hence, it is no surprise that the digitalization initiatives of his organization definitely distinguish Siemens from many other companies"

  • Fang Zhang
    Director Logistics Procurement | Siemens China

    "Robert, as my boss for over 10 years, is a really great leader who always guides the team to the right direction with extraordinary vision. We had a very close and trustful collaboration, and you could always approach him for any suggestion, he is always acting as advisor and coach with open mind and would like to help to build and foster my career and rise up valuable innovative ideas to break the hurdle. With the deep knowhow on procurement circle, and strong intercultural abilities, Robert has shaped and managed his international team all over the world in a very proper and successful way, so we are able to build up a reliable relationship to each other, and seamless cooperation for a common goal."

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